Public Housing

The Greenwood Housing Authority (GHA) has ten public housing neighborhoods consisting of 408 units. The Low-Income Public Housing Program is authorized under the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended. It authorizes the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to provide technical and financial assistance to public housing agencies in the provision of decent, safe, and sanitary housing dwelling units at affordable rents to lower-income families. The public housing program is administered at the local level by housing authorities which are non-federal public agencies authorized by state legislation.


Located in the county limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 82 units consisting of two-, three-, four- and five-bedroom units.

Located in county limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 42 units consisting of three- and four- bedroom units.

Scattered neighborhoods located in the city limits and the county limits of Greenwood, MS. These neighborhoods have 90 units consisting of one -, two-, and three-bedroom units.

Located in the city limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 75 units consisting of two-, three-, four-, and five- bedroom units.

Located in the city limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 40 units consisting of three- and four- bedroom units.

Scattered neighborhoods located in the city limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 47 units consisting of three- and four- bedroom units.

Scattered neighborhoods located in the city limits of Greenwood, MS. This neighborhood has 32 units consisting of three- and four- bedroom units.

Map of GHA units